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Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 4 months ago

The Midtown Innovation Zone is an exciting initiative building collaborations in Midtown Cleveland to accelerate innovation and entrepreneurship.


Activities are in support of the Cuyahoga County Commissioner's Blue Ribbon Task Force Action Plan 2006.


The Cuyahoga County Commissioner's Blue Ribbon Task Force agreed to re-name itself CuyahogaNext . Cuyahoga Next Advisors are working now to determine next steps for five transformational initiatives in the areas of sustainability, innovation, and early childhood education.


The Midtown Innovation Zone is the first urban district to move forward using new practices and tools for open source economic development in support of one of the five transformative initiatives lead by the Cuyahoga Next leadership.


Midtown Networks are business, government and academic leaders focused on moving ideas to action quickly. Midtown leaders accelerate transformational change by behaving in ways that build trust and respect.


We follow Simple Rules. The process is inclusive and transparent, creating opportunities for anyone prepared to grasp them.


Midtown Networks connect resources and capabilities. Over time, networks will organize focusing on what is needed to facilitate innovation and entrepreneurship such as venture capital, the creative industries, manufacturing, labs and research, serious gaming, real estate, etc.



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